What is Typhoid Fever ?

Typhoid or enteric fever, so named due to the involvement of the intestines, is one of the more difficult fevers .to deal with, and has a tendency to emaciate the patient, if not checke;d in time. It has an insidious onset; there may be ulceration of the bowels or ulceration of the skin through eruptions. Typhoid fever has a tendency to relapse.

Causes and Symptoms of Typhoid Fever

According to modern medicine, a bacillus, Salmonella typhi, is the cause of the disease. The fever comes on gradually, allowing the victim to move about normally for some days after the onset. The most marked symptoms are headache, lassitude, and discomfort. These are accompanied by insomnia and feverishness, particularly, at night. In the beginning, the temperature is slightly higher than normal in the morning, and even higher in the evening. The fever increases gradually to the highest point on the eighth day. The malady may continue for as long as three weeks or even twenty-eight days. Relapses are not uncommon and have to be guarded against. A marked feature of typhoid is that the pulse rate does not rise corresponding to the body temperature as happens in other fevers. Of course, in protracted cases where th~re is extensive ulceration of the intestines, the pulse may become weak and rapid.

Right from the start, abdominal symptoms such as distension of the abdomen, and pain and gurgling sounds when light pressure is exerted on the lower abdomen, can be observed. Diarrhoea is a frequent, but by no means, a constant symptom.

If ulceration of the bowels is not treated in time, they may get perforated; this is almost, always, a fatal symptom. According to Ayurveda, typhoid is the result of vitiation of all the three doshas in the body. In addition, Mahalakshadi oil should be used for massage of the body.

Diet and Other Regimen - Home Remedies for Typhoid Fever

During an attack of typhoid, diet is of the utmost importance because of the involvement of the intestines. Soft liquid foods, particularly,milk and fruit juices are the best. All substances which are likely to irritate the digestive processes should be avoided. The main consideration is that there should not be any burden on the digestive system, nor should constipation be allowed to develop.

Since the disease causes a lot of weakness, bedrest during the disease and for about a week afterwards is recommended. A glycerine suppository may be resorted to in cases of constipation.