alternative medicine

What is Homeopathy?

Concept of disease

Advantages of Homeopathy


Who can be most benefited from homeopathy 

What are all the Sources of Homeopathic Medicines?

What is the Shelf life of homeopathic medicines? 

Source of knowledge of medicine

What is Homoeopathic Materia Medica?

What is the reason for prescribing single medicine in a given time?

How does a homoeopathic medicine act?

What is Homeopathy? 

It is the stable system of medicine in the world. Homeopathy is the branch of Medicine based on Nature's Law called 'Law of Similars'. (Similia similibus curentur - a Latin maxim which means 'Let likes be treated by likes.'), Hippocrates - the father of medicine, knew this law. According to the 'Law of Similars', a drug (or medicine) that produce a set of symptoms in a healthy person will cure a diseased person suffering from similar symptoms. For example, onion, eaten raw or when peeled produces watering from the nose and eyes with burning,(symptoms similar to common cold). Hence onion (Allium cepa) is one of the most effective homoeopathic medicines that cures common colds. 

Concept of disease 

The curative property of homeopathic medicine is studied by its disease (symptom) producing property on healthy human beings. 

The diseases are nothing but altered sensations and functions, which manifest outwardly through signs and symptoms.

According to this system, no two individuals are alike in health and in disease.
Homoeopathic medicines are potentised (method of dilution and triturition) so as to release the latent curative property of the medicine and at the same time are administered in minimum doses so as to stimulate the basic immune responses of the body to treat the disease. 

Advantages of Homeopathy:

Treats the root cause of the disease

No known side effects due to the minute quantity brought about by high dilution of medicines. 

Enhances the disease fighting ability of our system

Helps to avoid surgery in some situations.

Helps to support surgical intervention pre & post operatively.

Can treat the patients before the laboratory confirmation of disease.


Mode of action of medicine unknown because it is based on biophysics which is not as well studied as biochemistry. The medicines can't be tested in any laboratory due to its infinitesimal quantity. Since every case is different the prescription cannot be generalized. 

Number of Homeopathic doctors available are few. Another limitation is that not all diseases can be cured by homeopathy. Most of the times people select Homeopathy as last resort particularly in terminal cases. 

Who can be most benefited from homeopathy 

Any one who feels unwell.
No restriction for any age group.
Does not warrant any change in life style or belief. 
Anybody can approach a homoeopath for common cold to cancer. The desired result depends on the curability of the disease, limitations of the doctor and the system.

The quality of life can be improved for those who are suffering for a long period with chronic conditions like asthma, joint pain, eczema, cancer, hormonal disorders, infertility and various other conditions.

There is always a possibility for patients to avoid surgery in some conditions like Tonsils, fibroids, Calculus disease, Ovarian cyst, sinusitis etc.

Pimples, disorders of hair and various skin ailments can also be treated effectively.

What are all the Sources of Homeopathic Medicines?

Homeopathic medicines are prepared from three major sources namely Mineral Kingdom, Vegetable Kingdom and Animal Kingdom. Most of the elements and compounds like metals, salts, alkalis and acids from Mineral Kingdom; various herbs and plants, either whole or their specific parts like flowers, leaves, roots etc. from Vegetable Kingdom; various insects, animal products, venom of snakes, etc. from Animal Kingdom are the sources of Homeopathic medicines. There are three other classes of homeopathic medicines - Nosodes, Sarcodes and Impondarablia. Nosodes are the medicines prepared from disease producing organisms like bacteria, viruses, etc., and from disease products like Tuberculosis Lungs, Cancerous Tissues, etc. Sarcodes are the medicines prepared from healthy organs or tissues of organisms like Thyroid, Pituitary, Pancreas, etc. Impondarablia comprises of the medicines derived from energy sources like x-ray, Solar Rays, Electricity, etc. Now a new classes of medicines called tautopathic medicines are available , to remove the bad effects of other medications. Here the same medicine is used as base but prepared in homoeopathic method by potentising/ dilution to the level of 10-60 to 10-400. 

What is the Shelf life of homeopathic medicines? 

If kept in an alcohol base in an air tight bottle it can remain for centuries. If it is sugar based it is better to use it for few years and discard. But technically there is no expiry date.

Source of knowledge of medicine 

Various literatures on the subject from ancient time till date.

Study of medicinal qualities on healthy human beings called drug proving. This is the very fundamentals of homeopathy.

Study on patients at clinical sites.

Laboratory study.

What is Homoeopathic Materia Medica?

Homoeopathic Materia Medica is a record (available in the form of books and software's) of collection of symptoms of hundreds of medicines. These symptoms are obtained by 'Drug Proving' and 'Clinical Proving". 

What is the reason for prescribing single medicine in a given time? 

In homoeopathic practice, usually single medicine is prescribed at a time, the reason being that the drugs are proved individually and the comparison is possible between the individual drug picture and the individual disease picture. 

How does a homoeopathic medicine act? 

A homoeopathic medicine acts not by the virtue of its chemical or physical properties but by the virtue of its dynamic property.